

flyback transformer datasheet
flyback transformer pinout
flyback transformer design
flyback transformer working
flyback converter
line output transformer
flyback tester
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тдкс hr
каталог тдкс hr


flyback transformer datasheet , flyback transformer pinout, flyback transformer design, flyback transformer working, flyback converter, line output transformer, flyback tester , flyback transformer tesla coil, tdks, тдкс, hr, каталог тдкс hr 

A flyback transformer (FBT), also called a line output transformer (LOPT), is a special transformer, which is used for conversion of energy (current and voltage) in electronic circuits. It was initially designed to generate high current sawtooth signals at a relatively high frequency. In modern applications is used extensively in switched-mode power supplies for both low (3V) and high voltage (over 10 kV) supplies.

It was invented as a means to control the horizontal movement of the electron beam in a cathode ray tube (CRT). Unlike conventional transformers, a flyback transformer is not fed with a signal of the same waveshape as the intended output current. A convenient side effect of such a transformer is the considerable energy that is available in its magnetic circuit. This can be exploited using extra windings that can be used to provide power to operate other parts of the equipment. In particular, very high voltages are easily obtained using relatively few turns of winding which, once rectified, can provide the very high accelerating voltage for a CRT. Many more recent applications of such a transformer dispense with the need to produce high currents and just use the device as a relatively efficient means of producing a wide range of lower voltages using a transformer much smaller than a conventional mains transformer would be.

The flyback transformer is used in the operation of CRT-display devices such as television sets and CRT computer monitors. The voltage and frequency can each range over a wide scale depending on the device. For example, a large color TV CRT may require 20 to 50 kV with a horizontal scan rate of 15.734 kHz for NTSC devices. Unlike a power (or 'mains') transformer which uses an alternating current of 50 or 60 Hertz, a flyback transformer typically operates with switched currents at much higher frequencies in the range of 15 kHz to 50 kHz.


FOR: AOC KF48107W KFS60226 KFS61087 154-056A
TLF14537F KF48120A KFS60229 KFS61101 154-057A
TLF14630F KF4825C KFS60255A KFS61107A 154-058B
TLF14634F KF4868C KFS60266 KFS61110 154-064A
TLF14801F KF74158C KFS60280 KFS61121A 154-064C
TLF69908 KFB5010 KFS60282 KFS61162 154-064D
79A302-2 KFF2829C KFS60288 KFS61202 154-064E
79A302-7 KFS14B139F KFS60291 KFS61223 154-064F
79A306-2 KFS20217 KFS60293 KFS61244 154-064G
79A307-2 KFS20552A KFS60295 KFS61251 154-064H
FOR: CCE KFS20748 KFS60344A KFS61260 154-064M
TAT1401A KFS20771 KFS60348A KFS61262 154-064P
TAT1402A KFS20777 KFS60348B KFS61269 154-064R
TAT1403A KFS20860 KFS60371A KFS61280 154-064V
TAT1404 KFS20867 KFS60371C KFS61350 154-064W
TAT1404A KFS20884 KFS60391 KFS61410 154-064Y
TAT1405A KFS20989 KFS60455A KFS61416 154-064Z
TAT1406 KFS21012 KFS60474A KFS61418 154-064ZZ
TAT2001A KFS21066 KFS60490 KFS61434 154-065A
TAT2002 KFS21069 KFS60501 KFS61452 154-067C
TAT2002A KFS21076 KFS60506A KFS61627 154-067D
TAT2003A KFS21096 KFS60546 KFS621160 154-069BD
TAT2004 KFS21140 KFS60549 KFS74158C 154-072A
TAT2004A KFS21200 KFS60559 KFS81011 154-0742
TAT2005A KFS21288 KFS60676 KFT16AA022F 154-074A
TAT2006A KFS21319C KFS60711A KFT1AB055F 154-074B
TAT2007A KFS21412 KFS60711F KFT1AB139F 154-074C
TAT2008A KFS21479 KFS60713 KFT3A012F 154-074E
TAT2701A KFS21538 KFS60717 KFT6AB140F1 154-074F
FOR: DAEWOO KFS21569 KFS60731D KLF60145 154-074J
DCF1551 KFS21570 KFS60737 KSF20884 154-074K
DCF1577 KFS21583 KFS60755 KW03036L 154-074N
DCF1577A KFS21600 KFS60761 KW0304LQ 154-074O
DCF1578 KFS21601 KFS60762 FOR: DUGO 154-074R
DCF157BC KFS21627 KFS60818B KFS60280 154-074S
DCF1580 KFS21694 KFS60823C KFS60288 154-074T
DCF2052 KFS21703 KFS60844A FOR: GOLDSTAR 154-074V
DCF2077 KFS21730B KFS60848A 154-0123 154-074W
DCF2077AF KFS4825G KFS60861 154-012A 154-074Y
DCF2077D KFS4880G KFS60869 154-0167 154-077
DCF2077R KFS51038 KFS60893 154-019A 154-078
DCF2217L KFS51244 KFS60898 154-023A 154-085A
DCF24-40 KFS58149 KFS60907A 154-035A 154-089
DCFA045 KFS58160 KFS60909 154-040 154-090C
DFF98014 KFS58256 KFS60932 154-040A 154-090E
DFF98020 KFS58371N KFS60969 154-040C 154-091A
DFF98020A KFS58383P KFS60977A 154-041A 154-103D
DFF99014 KFS60038A KFS61038A 154-042 154-106B
DFF99020 KFS60145 KFS61051 154-051A 154-106C
KF48103S KFS60162 KFS61070A 154-051F 154-115B
154-115D 154-166B 154-195G 154-375A 2432141
154-121G 154-168B 154-195K 154-375C 2432142
154-122C 154-168C 154-195M 154-375H 2432143
154-122E 154-168G 154-195Q 154-378A 2432191
154-122F 154-169A 154-196A 154-380C 2432271
154-122G 154-169C 154-207A 154-380D 2432322
154-122H 154-170A 154-207B 154-382A 2432331
154-122J 154-177A 154-207D 154-382D 2432391
154-122K 154-177B 154-207E 154-382F 2432413
154-122L 154-177C 154-207F 154-387B 2432461
154-122N 154-177D 154-207H 154-388B 2432471
154-122P 154-177E 154-207M 154-388F 2432521
154-122Q 154-177F 154-207N 154-38K 2432602
154-122R 154-177H 154-207P 154-397Y 2432611
154-122S 154-177J 154-207Q 154-647 2432621
154-122X 154-177N 154-207S 154-742 2432622
154-125A 154-177P 154-207W 154-864D 2432624
154-125C 154-177Q 154-211A 154-A51J 2432651
154-126D 154-177T 154-211B 157-0139 2432811
154-131A 154-177Y 154-218B 157-0167 2432841
154-131F 154-179A 154-218C 157-923 2432842
154-132A 154-179C 154-218D FOR: HITACHI 2432843
154-132B 154-179H 154-218F 268,31133 2432844
154-132C 154-179J 154-222 268,31193 2432941
154-136A 154-179K 154-229D 20141 2432944
154-138B 154-179L 154-232B 20281 2432945
154-138C 154-179M 154-233A 21118 2432981
154-138F 154-179P 154-235C 24769 2432982
154-138K 154-179R 154-238A 2344314 2433022
154-138L 154-179T 154-238C 2424954 2433061
154-138N 154-179Z 154-277C 2430103 2433062
154-138P 154-182H 154-277F 2431597 2433171
154-138W 154-182L 154-277M 2431712 2433211
154-14145-1 154-182R 154-277Q 2431721 2433212
154-146A 154-182S 154-277T 2431722 2433213
154-146B 154-183E 154-277V 2431723 2433261
154-146D 154-183F 154-279B 2431724 2433301
154-148A (M) 154-183L 154-279C 2431742 2433302
154-149A 154-185A 154-279D 2431781 2433303
154-155A 154-186A 154-279F 2431782 2433305
154-156A 154-189C 154-279G 2431851 2433307
154-158A 154-189G 154-279H 2431852 2433361
154-158D 154-189K 154-279J 2431921 2433374
154-158G 154-192C 154-279M 2432031 2433381
154-162A 154-193 154-279Q 2432033 2433391
154-162B 154-194B 154-279S 2432037 2433401
154-164E 154-194D 154-311B 2432071 2433421
154-164F 154-194G 154-3327 2432085 2433422
154-165D 154-195B 154-332F 2432092 2433423
154-166A 154-195E 154-366A 2432101 2433424
2433425 2434302 2434912 2435434 2436798
2433427 2434312 2434932 2435438 2436871
2433442 2434331 2434942 2435501 2436881
2433472 2434381 2434971 2435513 2436892
2433521 2434391 2434991 2435521 2436901
2433631 2434393 2434992 2435522 2436903
2433641 2434401 2435001 2435551 2436912
2433701 2434402 2435003 2435552 2436913
2433704 2434411 2435011 2435553 2436914
2433711 2434431 2435031 2435557 2436994
2433721 2434451 2435034 2435573 2436996
2433734 2434453 2435035 2435601 2437037
2433784 2434472 2435036 2435603 2437094
2433841 2434481 2435038 2435613 2437096
2433844 2434521 2435041 2435671 2437103
2433872 2434522 2435048 2435696 2437157
2433874 2434541 2435051 2436141 2437192
2433882 2434594 2435057 2436201 2437202
2433883 2434595 2435061 2436211 2437311
2433884 2434596 2435062 2436217 2437351
2433951 2434597 2435063 2436218 2437372
2433953 2434618 2435065 2436221 2437382
2433971 2434621 2435066 2436244 2437392
2433974 2434622 2435067 2436299 2437422
2433975 2434651 2435068 2436436 2437425
2433977 2434652 2435071 2436511 2437427
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2434131 2434662 2435076 2436541 Продолжение »